Parking Lot Information
SWMS Parking Lot Information
AREA #1: The loop in front of the school is for morning drop off only. Individuals are not to park, idle, or wait in their vehicle in this area, unless they are handling school business between the hours of 9 am and 2 pm.
AREA #2: The solar panel parking lot is for morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Individuals are not to park, double Park, idle, or wait in their vehicle in this area, unless they are handling school business between the hours of 9 am and 2 pm. This lot is a staff parking lot.
AREA #3: Buses Only: The access road to the east of the solar panel parking lot is for buses only. This rule must be adhered to during morning student drop-off and student pickup. Students should not be dropped off in this area. Also, the bus loop near the Moneta gate is for buses to exit only. Students will not be allowed to enter or exit the Moneta gate.
The Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone:
**Student Drop-Off: Parents and guardians, as soon as your vehicle is safely in this defined area (Area 1 or Area 2); your student(s) is to exit the car. Waiting until you are near the front of the line will hold up the procession of vehicles. This will cause the line of vehicles to move slowly and inefficiently.
Your time and that of getting students out of cars quickly are both valued. Your cooperation is much appreciated in keeping the line moving during such a busy time of the morning and afternoon.
Once again, students are expected to exit their vehicle as soon as the vehicle is safely in the Drop-Off Zone (Area 1 or Area 2).
The safety of all students is a top priority. If a student is not being dropped off in Area 1 or Area 2, students can be dropped off anywhere around the perimeter of the school and must utilize the crossing guards and crosswalk when crossing the street.
**Student Pick-Up: There will be no student pick up in Area #1. If you choose to wait for your child in the Drop/Pick Up Area #2, please encourage your child to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Each student’s arrival affects how quickly you and others in this area can depart. DO NOT MAKE A LEFT TURN AS YOU EXIT AREA #2 in the afternoon and DO NOT DOUBLE PARK IN AREA #2.
Be mindful of students coming out to the parking lot to get into vehicles.
Please be aware that students are not to be picked up and signed out early just to avoid traffic. This affects their attendance and the attendance counselor will meet with parents. If your student attends the after school program, they are to immediately report to the after school program. Any student arriving late to the after school program risks being exited from the program.
Thank you for your support in ensuring the safety of all Stephen White students. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Booker or Mr. Williams at 310-783-4900.