Health Office / Oficina de Salud
Cathey Edwards | Nurse |
Is your 7th grader still missing the Tdap shot?
Remember, 7th graders must have this shot in order to attend classes. Make sure you provide proof to the Health Office as soon as possible.
¿Todavía le falta la vacuna Tdap a su hijo de 7mo grado?
Acuérdese que los estudiantes del 7mo grado tienen que tener esta vacuna para poder asistir a clases. Asegúrese de entregar un comprobante a la Oficina de Salud lo mas pronto posible.
Visit LAUSD's District Nursing Services for the following parent resources:
- Authorization To Receive/Release Medical Information
- Carlson Home/Hospital School Referral Forms
- COVID-19 Vaccines
- Immunization and Other Information
- Medication Forms
- Permanent Health History
- Specialized Physical Health Care Services (SPHCS) Forms
Go to or click on the website to be redirected.
Phone Number 310-783-4949