CAASPP Teacher & Student Resources
Please use the directions linked below to download and install the Secure Browser to your personal device (PC, Mac, IPad) *Personal Chromebooks are not able to install the secure browser at this time Please contact the school at 310-783-4900 to request a school device for testing.
Utilice las instrucciones vinculadas a continuación para descargar e instalar el navegador seguro en su dispositivo personal (PC, Mac, iPad) * Los Chromebooks personales no pueden instalar el navegador seguro en este momento. Por favor, comuníquese con la escuela al 310-783-4900 para solicitar un dispositivo escolar para realizar pruebas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Sr. Parra en [email protected].
For more information please visit the Spring Administration Information for Parents/Guardians website.
Secure Browser Installation
Secure Browser for Mac (macOS 11+ Big Sur)
Secure Browser for Mac (10.11–10.15)
Support Videos for Students
How to access the Secure Browser application on a Chromebook

*Teacher Resources*
For teacher resources please visit the CAASPP Course on Schoology.