What is A.V.I.D?
A.V.I.D. is a specialized program for students to participate in throughout their 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years. Students learn different strategies to prepare for honors/advanced classes in high school and college like how to think and write critically, participate in Socratic Seminars, develop note taking skills, and learn many other organizational skills. Students will participate in many activities: field trips to colleges and universities, research the career and college/university of their choice , team building activities, meet with inspirational speakers, and get tutoring from cross-age and college tutors. Most importantly, the AVID team is like a family of students and teachers who help each other do better in school!
Apply for A.V.I.D. now!
*Satisfactory Citizenship
*Good Attendance
*2.0–3.5 G.P.A.
A.V.I.D. coordinator
Mrs. Ergina
Room 50